Información sobre GANEMO CORPORATION SOCIEDAD ANONIMA CERRADA - GANEMO S.A.C. instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instalados

De cotizaciones a facturas
Facturas y pagos
Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
Sitio web
Constructor de sitio web empresarial
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Gestionar la contabilidad financiera y analítica.
Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
Point of Sale
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Organice y programe sus proyectos
Comercio electrónico
Venda sus productos online
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Marketing por email
Diseñar, enviar y gestionar correos electrónicos
Partes de horas
Validación del parte de tiempo y vista de rejilla
Enviar, validar y refacturar los gastos de los empleados.
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Document management
Asigne días libres y siga las solicitudes de días libres
Proceso de Selección
Seguimiento al flujo de reclutamiento
Centralice la información de los empleados
Reciclaje de datos
Encuentre registros antiguos y archívelos o bórrelos.
Centralize, manage, share and grow your knowledge library
ChatRoom BASE Whatsapp - Messenger - Instagram. Live Chat. Real All in One with ChatGPT OpenAI and Sale Funnels
From ChatRoom main view Search & Send Product. With ChatGPT OpenAI and Sale Funnel. Send message from many places with Templates (Sale, Invoice, Purchase, CRM Leads, Product, Stock Picking, Partner). GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
ChatRoom Real ChatBot professional. Whatsapp - Instagram DM - FaceBook Messenger.
Chat Bot. Automatic messages for product and text. Templates and Python code. WhatsApp ChatBot integration. ChatBot WhatsApp bot GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. ChatRoom 2.0.
ChatRoom Chatter. Chat history in form.
Chat history in chatter. In many views (Partner, Invoice, Sale, CRM Leads,...). Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. ChatRoom 2.0.
ChatRoom CRM extra. Leads. Real All in One
From ChatRoom main view Create & Send CRM Leads. Send message from CRM Lead. All in one screen. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
ChatRoom Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp Live Chat. Real All in One
Instagram DM & FaceBook Messenger chat in ChatRoom, Live Send and Receive. Send from many places. Instagram Direct Message IDM META ChatRoom 2.0.
ChatRoom Marketing & Group with Templates. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger.
Send mass message with Templates. Advanced Options. Gupshup Chat-Api. ChatApi. Marketing whatsapp group ChatRoom 2.0.
ChatRoom Sale extra, Invoice. Real All in One
From ChatRoom main view Create & Send Sales Orders and Invoices. All in one screen. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
ChatRoom SEND Invoice and Templates. WhatsApp.
Send messages from Invoices with Templates.
ChatRoom SEND CRM Leads and Templates. WhatsApp.
Send messages from CRM Leads with Templates.
ChatRoom SEND Purchase Order and Templates. WhatsApp.
Send messages from Purchase Order with Templates.
ChatRoom SEND Sale Order and Templates. WhatsApp
Send messages from Sale Order with Templates.
ChatRoom SEND Product and Stock Picking. Templates. WhatsApp
Send messages from Product and Stock Picking with Templates.
Base module for others. Messages and Templates.
Send documents to sign online and handle filled copies
Mesa de Ayuda
Da segumiento, prioritiza y resuelve tickets del cliente
Genera facturas recurrentes y gestiona renovaciones
Control de la calidad de sus productos
Gestione y publique en una plataforma eLearning
Manage your employees' schedule
Publique eventos, venda tiquetes
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Centralice tu libreta de direcciones
Programa las reuniones de empleados
Social Marketing
Manage your social media and website visitors
Assess your employees
Gestiona tu flota y rastrea los costes de los vehículos
Create and validate approvals requests
Marketing Automation
Build automated mailing campaigns
Todo lo que necesitas para la consolidación financiera.
Charla en vivo
Chatea con los visitantes de tu sitio web
Programar citas con los clientes.
Cree encuestas y analice las respuestas
Employee Referral
Let your employees share job positions and refer their friends
Segumiento a asistencias de empleados
Internet of Things
Basic models and helpers to support Internet of Things.
Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations
Organize your work with memos
Administración de habilidades
Gestione habilidades, conocimiento y el currículum de sus empleados
Gestione los registros de las nóminas de sus empleados
Treball en línia
Gestione su proceso de contratación online.
Contratos de los empleados

Localizaciones instaladas / Gráficos de cuenta

Localización base LATAM
Tipos de identificación LATAM
l10n country filter
Module created to hide specific fields in views dependening on localization(countries)
Send electronic invoices automatically
Send electronic invoices immediately when the entry has been published
Información demo de las transferencias automáticas
Genérico - Contabilidad
Accounting Sequence - Latam Documents
Documento LATAM
Tipos de documentos LATAM
Perú - Contabilidad
PCGE simplificado
Efact: Advance - global discount
Efact advance - global discount
Catálogos SUNAT
Create the catalogs established by Peruvian legislation.
l10n pe fields for classic format invoice
This module will be used to make the classic invoice compatible for the Peruvian localization.
Credential Invoice SUNAT
This module will validate the status of the invoice through the integrated query.
Delivery note PLE
This module will creates fields to emit electronic guides
EDI para Perú
Facturación electrónica para Perú (método OSE) y UBL 2.1
Peruvian - Electronic Delivery Note
Electronic Delivery Note for Peru (OSE method) and UBL 2.1
Peruvian - Electronic Delivery Note 2.0
Electronic Delivery Note for Peru (REST API method)
Factura electrónica ilimitada para Perú
Add validation services for electronic invoicing, which allows you to validate directly with SUNAT or with any authorized OSE provider.
l10n_pe - Efact rectifying
Efact rectifying
l10n pe efact decimal precision
This module will allow us to force the label of the sale price of the product excluding taxes with more than several digits.
Exclude lines at zero in e-Fact
In the electronic invoice .xml, exclude invoice lines with total price equal to zero.
fields reason and charge for invoice
This module will validate the status of the invoice through the integrated query.
Format SIRE SUNAT (Book Sale and Purchase)
This module will generate the SIRE SUNAT format for the purchase and sales books.
l10n_pe vat validation
Estados Unidos - Contabilidad
Reporte 1099
Exporte datos 1099 fácilmente para la declaración electrónica de impuestos con un tercero.
Exporte pagos como archivos NACHA
EE. UU. - Informes de contabilidad